Lindsey Del Colletti
"going with the idea that nothing can stop me"
I grew up holding a camera in my hands and taught myself how to use each one I owned. I couldn't tell you how many cameras I had, but what I can tell you is that my love for photography is tremendous. After starting my blog in 2017, I began working with a number of skincare and beauty brands testing & reviewing products. It was an amazing experience to work with the amount of skincare & beauty brands that I did; however, the photographing of each product was what I enjoyed the most. After transitioning my blog into Fashion in the beginning of 2018 I didn't want to lose the opportunity of photographing the products that were being gifted to me so I started Hey It's Linds Photography.
Today, Hey It's Linds photography has grown tredmendously and I am lucky to have so many amazing clients that inspire me everyday. I am all about working one-on-one with my clients to provide the best experience as possible for them to make sure their brand is portrayed in the best way possible.